We love helping people find the joy of slingshots.
The simple slingshot has the capability of bringing untold joy to people's lives. Spending quality time with family and friends. Laughing during friendly competition. Developing a marksmanship skill. Improving other marksmanship skills.
The list goes on and on.
But it doesn't bring you ANY joy sitting in a drawer.
Here at SimpleShot, we want to make your first experience with a slingshot as great as possible. And that's why we are announcing this update today.
Slingshots now come with clay ammo, steel ammo, and a perfectly matched bandset for each ammo!

As of right now, November 8, all flatband slingshots will come with not only two bands (we have included 2 bands for years now) but two different bands, better suited for a lighter draw and more enjoyable time shooting.
Clay Bandset || 3/8" Steel Bandset
*The only slingshots we offer that do NOT come with flatbands are the Torque (with tubes) and the Flippin Pickle.
That's not all. We are also including two matched ammo samples! Now you can be shooting your slingshot within minutes of opening your package.
And guess what?
It's already shipping!

If you want your out-of-the-box experience with slingshots to be awesome, you need to understand a few things:
1. For the best experience, you need to tune your bands.
2. You also need to shoot matched ammo for your bands.
So we've made it as easy as possible to do both of these things right out of the box.
It's easy for new shooters to rush out and just start shooting anything they can get their hands on without ever turning their bands or caring what they are shooting. This is a recipe for a less than awesome shooting experience.
Check out this video where we announce this update, but more importantly, where we show you the process of tuning your bands in and shooting appropriate ammo. When you get your bands tuned up and shoot the right ammo, your experience is going to be so much better.
That's right, if you want to have an absolute blast with your slingshot, take a few minutes when you receive it, and make sure you set it up to get the most out of it.
It's now easier than ever, with included steel and clay ammo. And make sure you shoot the steel from the band with the black patch and shoot clay from the band with the brown pouch. It's easy to tell which is which, and when you shoot matched ammo from a tuned band set up, you will be blown away at how accurate and easy it is.
First, tune your bands. (CLICK HERE FOR MORE)
Then shoot the matched ammo.
Unlock the joy of slingshots. Right out of the box.