This years MWST was another success and shooters from around the country arrived in West Lafayette, IN on July 24 to demonstrate the rising level of skill amongst today's best slingshot marksmen. Enthusiasts from as far away as Kansas and Florida made the trip and Team SimpleShot was there to compete for the titles as well.
The venue for the event provided for plenty of open space to set up a variety of slingshot targets for fun shooting with plenty of local lodging within a short drive of the event site. Plenty of great BBQ and food were provided all weekend long.
Fun was the primary intent of this event...but not without some seriously fierce competition amongst friends. The main event is based on the Spanish style target system where each competitor shoots four rounds at 7 knockdown targets with only seven shots per round. This format requires consistent shooting and the ability to focus under deafening silence and an attentive crowd.
Check out this video for a detailed explanation of the format and witness the 2014 MWST Champion and Team SimpleShot shooter, Ray Bazonski shoots a perfect 30 point round:
The main event was a close race and the spread amongst the top 5 positions was tight with only a one point spread amongst the top three. A big congratulations goes out to the first and second place winners and tournament hosts, Todd Ransom and Michael McClure.
Several side events took place as well, several being shot using the same 7 target/ 7 shot system and the winners are as follows:
Distance shoot- Seven targets and seven shots at 10 meters
First- Nathan Masters
Second- Dan Ambrosious
Third- Ray Bazonski
All three of these shooters are Team SimpleShot members- way to go Team SimpleShot!!
Speed Shoot- Seven targets shot as fast as possible- 10 meters, double elimination format
First- MIchael McClure
Second- Nathan Masters
Third- Ray Bazonski
Individual Can Racing- Shoot one empty soda can starting 5 meters from the shooter. Each shooter must shoot his/her can past the 15 meter mark before his opponent. Double Elimination format
First- Nathan Masters
Second- Mike Meuli
Third- Ray Bazonski
Team Can Racing- same rules as individual except two shooters on each team. Double elimination format
First- Joe "Ghost" Bishop/ Ray Bazonski
Second- Tom Graham/ Michael McClure
Third- Logan Bishop/ Travis Ambrosious
PFS Event- Seven Targets/Seven Shots at 10 meters using a slingshot with a maximum fork gap of 3/4"
First- Todd Ransom
Second- Nathan Masters
Third- Andy Glenn (Andy is a Team SimpleShot member,SimpleShot employee, and shot this event bareback- no slingshot frame at all!!!!)
Dennis The Menace Shoot- Natural slingshots and stones only. Five shots at 10 meters using only stones as ammunition
First- Michael McClure
Second- Travis Ambrosious
Third- Ryan "RyanJL" Lekin